Friday, July 17, 2020

TTEC Digital Analytics - Senior Software Developer - PHP/Laravel (5-9 yrs) (TTEC)

Knowledge and/or experience with some of the following:

- Test Driven Development (TDD) - preferably using Jest (or Mocha/Jasmine) and PHPUnit

- Modern Web Languages - HTML, CSS/SCSS, JavaScript/ECMAScript 2015+ (ES6+)

- JS Frameworks - Vue (or Angular/React)

- JavaScript build tools - Babel, Webpack, etc.

- Vue libraries/plugins - vue-test-utils, vue-router, vuex, vue-cli

- Single Page Applications (SPAs)

- MVC frameworks - Laravel

- PHP - all common language features for versions 7.1+

- Laravel - All features including queues, broadcasting/web sockets (Laravel Echo), Active Record (eloquent), middleware, service providers, database migrations, etc.

- RESTful APIs

- API (session-less) authentication - oAuth, JSON Web Tokens, etc

- Commonly used software design patterns and principles - SOLID, DRY, etc

- Relational databases, design & best practices - MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQL Server

- Software development lifecycle - Agile & SCRUM

- Web Servers - Nginx, Apache, etc

- Linux Environments - Redhat, CentOS, Ubuntu, etc

- Laravel 5.8 - RESTful API

- Vue.js 2.6 - Single Page Application (SPA)

- Envoy & Bash Scripts - Zero downtime deployment strategy

- Laravel Dusk - E2E testing framework built on top of ChromeDriver

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