Friday, September 04, 2020

Web App Security Tester - Threat Modeling/Cryptography (6-10 yrs) (Golden Eagle IT Technologies Pvt Ltd.)

Job Description :

- Good Experience in Web Application Security Testing

- Good in Security tools like Burp Suite, Zap, Trufflehog,Sonar Qube, Testssl,Nmap etc.

- Good knowledge of how to test OWASP top 10.

- Knowledge of Threat Modeling Process.

- Expertise in creating security test-cases

- Knowledge of tools like Jira or Radar.

- Good knowledge of Security Certificates and Cryptography.

- Manual Web application testing

- Penetration testing

- Source code auditing

- Experience in Threat Modelling

- Strong verbal & written communication skills

- Strong presentation skills

- Solid understanding of Cryptography

- Experience with a scripting language (e.g. Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby)

- OS X and other flavors of UNIX.

- Knowledge of core networking concepts (routing, ACL, load balancers, SSL/TLS, TCP)

- Passion for discovering and researching new vulnerabilities and exploitation techniques

Apply Now