Friday, July 24, 2020

Sanctum Networks - Software Engineer - PHP/MySQL/Linux OS (1-3 yrs) (Sanctum Networks)

Required Techinical Skills : Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP5, JSON, XML

Job Description : 

- We are looking for an experienced and enthusiastic PHP developer to join our Team. You will be involved in the design and development of our networking product line and will have the opportunity to work on some core network areas. 

Job Requirements :

- You'll need Some familiarity working from shell or terminal in Mac or Linux. Apache Background with Apache web server, knowledge of basic configuration, optimization and authentication techniques.

- MySQL : 

a) Knowledge of schemas, tables, users and privileges, principles of relational databases, and SQL commands. 

b) Able to migrate legacy data from unlike management systems.

- PHP5 :

a) You are a Native in PHP and have experience with MySQL and Very strong with PHP syntax and features. 

b) Understand variables, constants, arrays, loops, internal functions, php configurations, error logging/reporting, and OOP principles.

- JSON : Familiar with JSON syntax, asynchronous javascript, and encoding/decoding JSON data in PHP.

- XML : Understand how to properly structure and use XML for transferring data.

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