Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Senior Software Engineer - Application Security Tools (5-8 yrs) (Ryte4u Solutions)

Job Description :

- 5+ years- experience performing manual code review and analysis

- 5+ years- experience with application security tools such as HP Fortify, Checkmarx CxSAST, or BlackDuck OSS

- Deep technical knowledge and experience identifying, triaging, and remediating application vulnerabilities including the OWASP Top 10

- Development experience with a variety of development tools, languages, and environments, including .NET, Java, PHP, Node.js, Ember, SQL Server, and Amazon Web Services

- Experience working in a multi-tenant SaaS environment, service-oriented architecture and web service security

- Experience with agile software development processes and methodologies

- Working knowledge of source code repositories including Git

- Experience developing and securing applications in AWS

Apply Now