Job Description:
We are looking for a Drupal Developer primarily responsible for back-end/module development.
- Responsible for designing and implementing new features and functionality, establishing and guiding the website's architecture, ensuring high-performance and availability, and managing all technical aspects of the CMS.
- Work closely with front-end developers and customers to ensure an effective, visually appealing, and intuitive implementation
Skills and Qualifications:
- Experience developing web solutions in Drupal and PHP implementations in a LAMP environment
- Ability to architect enterprise Drupal solutions including data, display, and information architecture
- Advanced site-building experience including deep familiarity with Drupal modules such as CTools, Views, and Panels
- Experience creating custom Drupal modules
- Experience building responsive websites using Drupal CMS, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, and JavaScript/jQuery
- Knowledge of PHP, PHP files and theme functions, and knowledge of the Drupal theme layer
- Through understanding of the Software Development Lifecycle (e.g. Requirements, Design, Development, Testing) and exposure to Agile or iterative SDLCs.